To The Temple
Psalm 119:111
I have inherited Your testimonies forever, For they are the joy of my heart.
Hebrew Word Study at writes a detailed expression of this verse and I’ve paraphrased the essence of its beauty in short form here. The reason for its importance follows.
I have inherited a permanent possession as a result of succession, your Word and lineage, your faithfulness, the testimonies given from generation to generation, which has become my delight and my responsibility to hold and acknowledge. The rescue and revival that you have shown your lineage is now mine to own for my own family and telling, being incorporated into the same branch, and that is a joyful celebration to my heart. It is my place of belonging.
Why is this so important for believers to absorb and deeply understand?
This is where we are called to identify. This is how we are called to be defined. This insight is like learning how to walk, like knowing how important water is for the body. This is where we need to find our place of assurance and belonging. Why? Because it's our inheritance. It's for now in life and it's forever in life.
The THRESHING FLOOR was a name impressed upon me in 2023 for a monthly discussion forum for women, based on the power and effect of giving and receiving testimony; for those who wanted to walk free from strongholds, plaguing unanswered questions and difficult circumstances, which had been tying them down. Why did I - why do I - feel so compelled? Because I live through it myself and my only hope, my saving grace, my solid belief, my firm foundation is in the One I profess to have all the answers and to have the holiness and righteousness that assures our well-being. All of my articles, my prayers, and my conversations point to this one thing, and this one person.
I ran The THRESHING FLOOR from November 2023 until November 2024.
You can read "Why, The THRESHING FLOOR?", for an explanation of its function and symbolism.
The THRESHING FLOOR's purpose is “To shake off what is not useful so that what remains is unshakable”.
The THRESHING FLOOR 2024 was held in a beautiful venue and we saw women pass across the floor, but not all remained to thresh. The THRESHING FLOOR's mission is for women's lives to become an altar and for each altar, each life, to become a living temple, to understand the setting apart of a renewed mind and life.
The THRESHING FLOOR will continue to be run in 2025 although in a slightly different format and different venue. You can get in touch with me if you'd like to join in. I'm sitting back and letting God direct. There will be a lot more self-directed threshing and flow of open conversation this year. You don't have to be a Christian to come. You might be on a seekers journey. That's great. How much you wish to grow and be transformed is between you and God but if you come you will be encouraged and buoyed along by the progress of other women.
Following, is a brief month by month summary of The THRESHING FLOOR 2024.
November 2023
The Woman With The Issue is about a woman with a severe medical condition, who became an outcast because of it. Many women can relate on different levels with this woman, so the emotive journey of her transformational healing because of Jesus is expressed passionately.
You might also like to read The Sheep Gate and The Pool of Miracles.
I love these stories.
We all have a story. We are all desperate in some way for change, transformation and healing. Though we may not know it or want it, I believe we all have a deep need for the revelation of Jesus Christ’s life and the healing, the power and the authority that only He is able to bring.
February 2024
What do you do when your tank’s empty but you feel too weak, too defeated, or too encumbered to refuel?
Here are Six R’s that can help us renew our mind so that we can pick ourselves up and keep going with resolve and new strength.
1. Remain Standing
2. Remember it is God who gives you power
3. Relive the great things the Lord has done in your life
4. Recall and fix (attach securely) His Words in your heart and your mind
5. Restore. God’s restoration means our journey is towards completion.
6. Rebuild what has been in ruins.
You might like to read this prayer, God sets me in my place. Or this article about faith moving mountains might encourage a weary heart.
Begin the journey again. Know that it’s not a quick fix. Allow time and quiet spaces to dedicate to this journey of renewal.
Revelation 3:2
Strengthen what remains and is about to die.
March 2024
Are you in the right land, possessing what you are meant to possess?
Are you intentionally where you are supposed to be, and staking a claim?
How can we live intentionally if we don’t feel we can control the direction or the outcome of our lives?
We look at the story of Tamar in the bible. The daughter-in-law of Judah, Genesis 38, Tamar was dismissed, desperate, and finally, decisive, directing her destiny no matter what the cost to her life. Her courage, boldness, risk, her desperate need for more and belief in what was right, drove her.
You might also like to read Are You Ready?
Numbers 33:53
Take possession of the land and settle in it for I have given you the land to possess.
April 2024
Where is God in the mess?
It’s generally in the small things, not the great things, that He trains our ability to change the way we think, and embrace grace. Thankfully, God is able to do more with our less.
Looking at Isaiah 40, we see how God brings comfort, ends wars, makes rough places smooth and reveals His glory. We see that patient endurance (cultivating a quiet heart and without constant lamenting) refines our character, leads us towards hope, and why hope does not disappoint even when life seems endlessly disappointing. We explore the necessary and equalising balance of faith, hope and love and why we need all three.
You might also like to read Embrace Whatever You Need To Endure, learning from characters in the bible.
1 Corinthians 13:13
So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
May 2024
What is our framework in relationships? Do we recognise a necessary code of conduct?
Honour is the greatest form of value. It is what underpins the bible’s teaching about relationships, even when people are dishonourable. This is a difficult concept to accept.
We talk about different relationships: parent/child, spousal equality and respect, spousal abuse, God’s protocol, as well as safe and respectful boundaries. Most importantly, we consider what the bible says about honouring those who dishonour us in a way that does not undermine ourselves, who God created and God values. We talk about how peace will accompany honour and how reward follows.
To trust God in this difficult area, we must know why we trust Him. You might like to read God, My Keeper.
2 Timothy 2:21
So if anyone purifies himself from anything dishonorable, he will be a special instrument, set apart, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.
June 2024
An “ate” step plan to flourish.
i. Stagnate – when we feel stuck and realise something needs to change
ii. Eliminate – unhelpful things that can cause us to wither and die internally
iii. Meditate – absorb what is profitable so that we change our thinking patterns
iv. Resonate – something that’s struck a cord as we’ve meditated
v. Illuminate – an idea from what has resonated, that shows us how to move forward
vi. Navigate – through a conceptualised plan toward a hopeful place
vii. Cultivate – what needs to be developed and established so that we flourish
viii. Consecrate – our plans; surrender so God can direct our steps and produce a blessing
You might also like to read one of my favourite topics, Living In Fullness, exploring more character studies from the bible.
Luke 6:38
Don’t hold back – give freely and you’ll have plenty poured back into your lap – a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, brimming over. You’ll receive in the same measure you give.
July 2024
Developing spiritual muscle.
The human soul easily feels orphaned. Loss of anything significant can foster an orphan identity. We feel this orphan state because of our separation from the Father.
We can get caught up in our five senses, but God gives us a sixth sense – faith. Through faith, we can practise praise despite our sensory instincts, strengthen our spiritual heart muscle and stop bitterness and defeat from becoming a stronghold. We need to learn to receive the love God pours into our heart (Romans 5:5) so that we are not floundering when the inevitable time comes to build spiritual muscle.
You might like to read My Will, His Sacrifice, His Will, My Surrender where I disclose part of my own journey.
Ezekiel 36:26
And I will give you a new heart
August 2024
Sometimes God expects us to fight. In this discussion we consider what makes a fight "good" and how we fight honourably.
Point 1 – Surrender
Point 2 – Don’t take the initiative off God
Point 3 – Victimhood
Point 4 – Recognise when to fight and when to rest
Point 5 – Damaging thoughts
Point 6 – Don’t sin in your anger. Take your position and stand.
Point 7 – Fight the good fight of the faith.
You might also like to read Let The Light of Jesus Move You.
Ephesians 6:13
… then after the battle, you will still be standing firm.
September 2024
Sometimes God wants us to stand still while He promises to fight for us. We are to hold our position. Remain calm. See the bigger picture. Don't engage in warfare with people because we don’t wrestle with people. We understand there is a spiritual battle being waged behind and through people.
We talk about changing our perspective to worshiping in the fight. Resting in the fight. Allowing God to be our comfort in the fight.
You might also like to read What Is Man To You?
Exodus 14:14
The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.
October 2024
Sacrifice lays things down before God while praise lifts things up before God.
We are to be rooted and grounded in His love. Where are our thoughts rooted? We discuss how having an ungrateful heart is to carry unholiness in our heart.
Romans 1:21
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
What makes us ungrateful? Anger at God.
What should we do? Meditate on what is worthy of praise.
Our thanksgiving in sacrifice is itself the sacrifice.
You might like to Think About These Things for a little further consideration.
Psalm 50:23
The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God.
November 2024
Wrapped up with general sharing.