The roar of the lion
echoed around me
disjointing my mind
and splaying my heart
It sent me running helter-skelter
But Lord
You have overcome
against the enemy
that set itself up
against the knowledge of God
in my life
You have displaced the enemy
and now it's he who runs
and it is I who roars
I will not hear his hollow threats
I rebuke his vices
as you rebuked the wind
and the waves
I declare war
on fear
It has no voice against me anymore
I declare war on the prospect of failure
It has no jurisdiction over me
The Lord anoints me with oil
and puts a song on my lips
The Lord sets my feet
and directs my paths
The Lord establishes my mind
and the work of my hands
The Lord speaks a word
and it is done
The Lord goes before me
like a devouring fire
and burns up all my enemies
So what does the roar of a lion have
over me now?