Some things only come with suffering
It prepares the soil for intimacy with me
Will you come into suffering
So that we can be bonded
Bonded in a way we cannot otherwise
A bond that can never be broken
Is it worth it to you?
Would you be willing to suffer
Just to have that bond with me?
Will you pass through the valley of weeping
So that I can create springs in your life?
I want us to share understanding when you walk
through the valley of weeping
I would create springs in your life
I would share my sufferings with you
- not my sufferings around the cross -
Those sufferings were for me alone
I would share my sufferings with you, the church
My bride
Open your heart to receive my sufferings
So that you can more deeply understand
My bride
I would share my sufferings with you
I would create springs in your life
My bride is pock marked
But I want to groom her to be
To display my glory
You are part of my bridal party
Allow me to share my sufferings
As you share yours with me
And you won't be pock marked
You'll be purified
As you walk in obedient intimacy
My glory will begin to illuminate your understanding
Your suffering is your refining
Your suffering will mold you as only wet clay can be molded
With your tears
With my tears
Through my purifying
My adorning
My intimacy
My suffering
Psalm 84:6 (LSV)
Those passing through a valley of weeping make it a spring, The early rain covers it with pools.