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Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 25 January
Like a Child When we’re young all we want to do is grow up. When we’ve grown up, all we want to do is look younger and be told we don’t...
Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 24 January
You can't see Him but you know Him. He still leads those who follow Him in truth, day and night.
Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 23 January
Do You Love The Name of Jesus? Jesus was prophesied about centuries before he came as Messiah (Daniel 7) . He came first as a Saviour...
Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 22 January
White Elephants In The Room If we’re not careful, we can let emotional wounds shape our reality in a way that deceive us. They can shape...
Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 21 January
Look Forward There is abundance in gratitude. When we think of all the things we can be grateful for, our hearts fill with a sense of...
Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 20 January
Don’t Be Fooled but Continue in Faith, Hope and Love Many will come in the last days and mislead, if possible, even true believers...
Let's Do Launch
3 min read
Daily Journal: 19 January
Who Is The Lord To Me? For the LORD is God, and he created the heavens and earth and put everything in place. He made the world to be...
Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 18 January
Your Faith Is Not In Vain When did you come to faith in Jesus Christ? Then you will know that Christ died for our sins, he was buried and...
Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 17 January
Secure Your Kids Secure the footing of your children. Guard and guide them into the kingdom with urgency. There is no time for them to be...
Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 16 January
The Lord is Near to the Potting Wheel Be still for a moment. Consider your ability to show a gentle heart. Philippians 4:5 (NASB) Let...
Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 15 January
Invite the Holy Spirit God gives you opportunities. Moments in time to recognise something significant. Conversations to play a...
Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 14 January
Unbound in Obedience How much time, energy and effort do we spend wrestling with God? When we seek to do His will and surrender to the...
Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 13 January
Immortality How brief our life is. It is given to us and it is taken from us. Our life has a measure and that measure only comes from...
Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 12 January
Help in Harms Way People may come against you or attack you in various ways for various reasons. They want to silence you, stop you, or...
Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 11 January
Hypocrisy Do as I say, not as I do. People who do one thing but say another do not uphold standards for themselves that they expect of...
Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 10 January
The Lord God is Your Shield Meditate on the nearness of God today, and on His goodness. Even if you’re struggling to feel it, spend a...
Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 9 January
Your Life Is Precious When physical ailments and times of grief or despair come in life they can feel endless. If you’re despairing of...
Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 8 January
To Do Lists and Roundtuits Do you have a To Do List? Or a roundtuit? Which one do you think God would desire for us? To Do Lists can help...
Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 7 January
What Are You Giving Your Life To? As we finish the first week in 2025, have you decided what you’ll be giving your life to this year?...
Let's Do Launch
2 min read
Daily Journal: 6 January
Delight God's Heart Delight God’s heart in the way we love each other and delight in each other.  We often look at bible characters so...
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