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Daily Journal: 27 January

Tasting God’s Goodness

Have you ever thought about tasting God’s goodness? How can we taste a provision?

Psalm 34:8 (NLV)

O taste and see that the Lord is good. How happy is the man who trusts in Him!

The word taste can be exchanged with the word discern. To discern is to recognise and distinguish with our senses. Tasting is a real experience, isn’t it? Discerning is an insight that shapes our understanding. So, we take it into ourselves as we would when we taste something. We receive it. We experience it and it delights our senses, and nourishes us.

We need to develop an awareness of His provision, distinguishing where it has come from; that He has thought about us in detail and time and made a way to provide it for us.

Let’s not forget the word ‘see’. Clearly, the writer is expressing a sight and experience, a reality of what occurs. When we see something, we experience something that we cannot deny because we’ve seen it with our own eyes. It’s our experience and we know it to be real.

This verse says we are happy because we have this awareness and experience of God and therefore, we know we can trust in Him. In order to trust, someone has proven their trustworthiness. We accept that the goodness we experience comes from Him because He is good and He has delighted to provide it for us.

We must learn to trust in order to be truly happy.

The word happy can also be exchanged with blessed. Other translations use this word, referring to the security and provision we find in God being in our circumstances. When we receive, we can be thankful and receive with joy.

Therefore, we can read Psalm 34:8 like this:

Discern and experience that the Lord is good. Receive it and let it shape your understanding. You will be blessed and happy when you recognize your trust and security is in Him.

Can you test this for yourself? The only way to find out that the Lord is truly good and looks out for you is when you settle on Him being your provider, comforter, leader; when you see that His presence in your life brings wealth to your soul; when you experience His understanding of you; when you see what He is able to do and wants to do for you.

Why don't you test this today? Walk through your day tasting God's goodness.

Meditate on this verse and receive His goodness in your life today. Not just for what He can do for you but for who He is. Thank Him for wanting to be good to you, personally. Allow your perspective to shift. Allow yourself to taste and see.



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