We don’t always have to have changed circumstances to be changed. We don’t always have to have favourable experiences to carry hope. We don’t always have to feel strong to know we’re brave. We don’t always have to be without doubts to believe.
Even when we feel anxious or afraid, we don't have to engage with it.
When we get ourselves grounded in the one called Jesus Christ, who is the living word – who we know through the bible – we can be undefeatable. Those aren’t just big words. But they do hold a big impact if we choose to believe.
Seek God for scriptures that are personal for you. They will give you an unwavering hope. They will anchor you in your faith and establish your future.
If you are being tested in life, and you’re not holding on to any scriptures, I can say without hesitancy, this is the greatest thing you can do for yourself. Let me encourage you with one of my own.
Isaiah 43:1-3 (NLT)
I have called you by name; you are mine. 2 When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. 3 For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.
It’s important to have scriptures to hold on to and live by. Collect them. It's like building your life on a foundation of gem stones. It's priceless. Hold on to them. Receive them, as from the hand of God. Declare them over your life. Bury them like treasure inside your heart and handle them regularly. Resolve to only confess these words over your life, rather than your fears, frustrations, and defeats.
When you travel through deep waters, of course you're afraid. Your mind tells you a lot of things - but you either choose to believe the thoughts that pop into your mind or you choose to discard those thoughts. Your courage and resolve comes from what you choose to think and believe. You can feel afraid, but you can still be brave and set yourself on a course of action, despite your feelings.
I've had a situation in my life that pains me. I can never leave it behind, though I might like to. I can never change it, though I would choose to. I've often asked for it to be taken from me, but God has made it clear it's there for a reason and the reason is not all about me. It's easy for me to shape my sense of value around this circumstance. But that would rip away my identity as a priceless creation, placed on earth to fulfil a purpose. So my prayer has changed from 'I can't bear this anymore' to 'please help me bear this with hope, and complete the work you're doing through it.' I know He will. I've asked Him, "how long, Lord, how long?" and He's replied, "until it's done". I know what that means. And it still pains me! But it also gives me hope and perseverance because I know that one day, it will be done.
I don't always feel strong, but I know God has put a backbone in me I didn't used to have. I don't always feel brave but I know God's developed a grit in me I never knew existed. I thank Him for it. I wouldn't, couldn't do it without Him. That's the beauty of it. He brings blessing with the blood, beauty when bereft, and boldness even when uncertain.
So don't run from God and get angry or frustrated. Run to Him and discover what He has for you in the middle of everything. Words from the bible, that you clasp to your heart and refuse to let go of breathe life, transform you, and anchor you like a rock.
Isaiah 43:2 (NLV)
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. When you pass through the rivers, they will not flow over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned. The fire will not destroy you.